What’s Growing On?

THANK YOU to Hearth & Soul for selecting the Friends of Maclay Gardens as their December 2024 non-profit partner! We are extremely grateful for their generosity and support.
Help bring awareness to Maclay Garden’s State Park and join us in supporting our local community! 100% of the net profit from this month’s featured candle sales will be donated to the Friends of Maclay Gardens. The funds will be used to continue protecting and preserving the historic Maclay House and Gardens, and the surrounding park lands.
The candles are an ideal holiday gift for friends and family. We hope you can swing by Hearth & Soul to show your support!

In November 2021 a small red door appeared at the bottom cavity of a grand old oak tree at Maclay Gardens State Park, adjacent to the Overstreet Trail. Immediately thereafter, notes and letters addressed to fairies, gnomes and elves were left at the little door. Magically, the notes and letters were answered by "The Wee Ones."
Who are the Wee Ones, and how did they get here? Are they real or mythical? Some say they're real; some say it's just wild imaginings; but either way, it's a mystery that needs looking into.
And so author Nancy McClure did just that! She put together this storybook based on what Park visitors -- particularly children -- told her, and left the decision up to the imagination of the reader. The storybook is beautifully illustrated by Helen Errahali.
The story is followed by the music and lyrics for the "Wee Ones' Clan Song," a Scottish glossary, as well as fun and interesting activities for young to older children.
Order your copy today!
Calendar of Events
Workday in the Gardens
Meet at the Visitor's Center. We welcome you for whatever segment of the 3-hour workday you ...
FOMG Board Meeting
The Board meets the first Wednesday of each month. Meeting times vary. Contact Board ...
Workday in the Gardens
Meet at the Visitor's Center. We welcome you for whatever segment of the 3-hour workday you ...
FOMG Board Meeting
The Board meets the first Wednesday of each month. Meeting times vary. Contact Board ...
Workday in the Gardens
Meet at the Visitor's Center. We welcome you for whatever segment of the 3-hour workday you ...
FOMG Board Meeting
The Board meets the first Wednesday of each month. Meeting times vary. Contact Board ...